Building Laravel UI with Blade Components

by WebWays


Posted 30.04.2024

Laravel Components

Understanding Components in Laravel Blade

Laravel Blade serves as a robust templating engine that simplifies the creation of user interfaces within PHP applications, offering elegance and clarity. A pivotal feature introduced in Laravel 7 is Blade components, providing a method to encapsulate reusable sections of views into modular and self-contained components. This not only fosters code reusability but also boosts the readability and maintainability of Laravel applications.

What Are Blade Components?

Blade components resemble reusable widgets or snippets of UI that can be incorporated and reused across various views. They comprise a Blade view file coupled with a PHP class responsible for managing the component's behavior and data. Each component can be rendered using a Blade directive.

<x-component-name />

x-component-name refers to the name of the component you want to render.

Creating Blade Components

To create a Blade component in Laravel, you'll typically follow these steps:

1. Generate a Component

Use the artisan command to generate a new component. This will create a new directory under app/View/Components with the necessary Blade view and PHP class.

php artisan make:component Alert

2. Define the Component's View

Open the generated Blade view file (alert.blade.php) within the component directory and define the HTML structure and any necessary Blade directives.

<div class="alert alert-danger">
    This is a custom alert message!

3. Configure the Component Class

The component class (Alert.php) is responsible for managing the component's data and behavior. You can define variables that should be passed to the component's view.

namespace App\View\Components;

use Illuminate\View\Component;

class Alert extends Component
    public function render()
        return view('components.alert');

4. Using the Component

Once defined, you can include the component in any Blade view using the directive.


Passing Data to Components

You can pass data from the parent view to the component using component attributes:

<x-alert type="success">
    Your changes have been saved.

In the component class, you can access these attributes using public properties:

class Alert extends Component
    public $type;

    public function __construct($type = 'info')
        $this->type = $type;

    public function render()
        return view('components.alert');


In summary, Blade components in Laravel provide a structured and efficient method to handle reusable UI elements across applications. By consolidating logic and presentation into modular components, you enhance code reusability, readability, and maintainability. Whether creating basic alerts or intricate UI elements, Blade components offer a versatile and effective solution for front-end development in Laravel.

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